Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Edward's real reason...???

Picture Source

What was Edward's reason, when he "broke Bella's rules," by sending a wedding invitation and a private note, to Jacob?
Was he just doing what he said he was doing.... Giving Jacob the chance he/Edward would want, if the situation was reversed...? Giving Jacob the chance to attend or to not attend, the wedding?
I think we each have our own opinion of Edward's motive... I do. Do you? ,-)

Monday, April 28, 2008


I was replying to a comment and it made me think of a possible entry idea... {Thank you "mykalee"!} Who is our favorite vampire, after Edward? "Mykalee" loves Alice and I do too. She is written as such a vibrant character, in the story line. She kind of bounces. And loves to throw a party for Bella, any chance she gets. And Alice loves to dress Bella up and etc. :-) So cute.

Stephenie didn't write the character of Bella, as a typical teen. As being into fashion and kind of flighty and etc. Bella is very mature, most of the time. {We'd not want her to be mature all the time though, now would we? -grin-} And this was a good plan, on the author's part I think. This simple choice, makes the 'Twilight' series more accessible to more age groups, than just teens. It has opened the pull of the books, to young marrieds, and to a Grandmother, even. ,-) And who knows how many different so-called age groups, it's appealing to? {I'd love to know this, but... How to find out?}

But, typically, I digress. That {how many diff age groups does the 'Twilight' series appeal to?} is a whole topic in itself, isn't it? So back to our favorite vampire... Who is your favorite, after Edward? And I suppose, the next question would be, and why?

No, this isn't like a test! LOL. Just a fun discussion/chat/whatever you want to call it. Which can be a fun part of blogging. Chatting about a topic, in comments. :-)

Alice's Car...

This is Alice's car, isn't it? Not too hard to take... >,-)

Porsche 911 turbo in yellow.



Click on the pic, to enlarge. And on the words in Red
, to go to the Porsche site.


Wow!!! Comments!!!

Wow!!! I got a couple of comments! How exciting is that, hu? Because no matter why we blog, we all love to get comments.


And a word on why I have Comment Verification on all my blogs... I get the kind of SPAM-virus stuff, that's not stopped by Word Verification. {Which btw, has gotten so hard to figure out, that even humans are having a hard time with the squiggely letters} I get the SPAM comments, that aren't done by bots. And Word Verification doesn't stop them.


They are a comment... which is short and doesn't have anything to do with the entry... Just a line like maybe; "Look here please." Containing a click-able link... To c-r-a-p. And probably installing some virus in your hard drive, when clicked on. I'm on a Mac and so far, can't get caught. But most people are on Pc's and so... most of my readers could get caught by clicking on such links, in comments.


So.... I have only Comment Verification. Since I'm on line a lot, I can keep up with vetting comments and keeping them being published. And that's my story... :-)


Keeping bold ~ Dropping italics

Yeah, I'm getting rid of the italics, in what I've already posted. I love the look of italics. Kind of more fancy, which reminds me of Edward's writing... ,-)


But I think it's harder to read, than regular font. Soooo... I'll go chance all of it.
-le sigh-


Filming in Kalama...

I have a link below, to an article about filming in Kalama. The article says that the site has a more urban look, compared to the actual Forks locations used by author Stephenie Mayer in her best-selling "Twilight" series.


Can't say I'm thrilled with this fact... :-(


And the article says that the choice of location was influenced by a package of financial incentives offered by the state of Oregon. :-( Typical... Same old, same old. Follow the money.


You can read the whole article, by clickin on this click-able link. Btw, all my click-able links will show up in Red.


Gray whales arrive at LaPush

Recently, a pod of gray whales arrived at LaPush. And you can see a picture of them frolicking in the surf, by clicking on this link. And scrolling down to the entry. You'll see the entry title and the photo.


The "Why" of this blog...

Who am I and why have I begun this blog?


I'm a relatively 'new-born-Twilighter.' I saw the book mentioned on the Net somewhere, and got it out of the library. And was hooked. Then I found out that one of my teenage Grands, was also. About the time I was reading the third in the series so far, another of my teen Grands discovered 'Twilight.' And she is still a truly 'new-born Twilighter,' with all that entails. {If you are a 'Twilighter,' you know what that entails. -grin-}


I've been gathering {in my Fav. Sites folder} a list of sites, related to Stephenie's books, and the film being made. And I know there are lots of sites out there. I know. I know. But just maybe, this is the only one put up by a Grandmother. -grin-


So ~ I guess that's the "why" of this blog. :-)


That... And just plain for fun!


Testing... Testing...

Georgia font...

I like the Georgia font, in bold and in italics.

But the Georgia font, in bold, may be more readable, without the italics...